Sunday, 16 January 2011

Book Number 4 The Runes Workbook by Leon D Wild

Finished 16/01/11

This is the first non fiction that I had read during this challenge and therefore it is not easy to rate because I probably can't rate it on the same scale as fiction. However there are probably other non fictions books that will be better and a lot more interesting in the future.

Ok first the negatives. A lot of this book is bullshit ! I found myself reading about ancient Gods and beliefs that just seem plain ridiculous in 2011. And I had to ask myself seriously what I was doing even reading it at times and I had no interest in actually using the book as a workbook. I want to read 52 books in a year, not spend months workbooking !

Now to the positives. I am a Tarot reader and am hoping to build up my tarot reading business and so my new found knowledge of the Runes will hopefully be very useful. It is another string on my bow and hopefully now I can make rune reading a part of my business. The book is extremely well illustrated, in fact the works contained within are exemplary, from the beautiful front cover onwards. I will have to remember the illustrator, her name is Corroe Cunningham. Maybe I can find her on Facebook !

This is the first book in a good while that I have read that does not contain any printing or spelling mistakes which is amazing considering that it is not a bestseller or written by a particularly famous author. I did find it interesting and useful for my business and it could be a great help in years to come. However that interest and usefulness have to be balanced with the fact that it contains alot of new age bollocks.


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