Wednesday 3 April 2013

Book 14 Ten Sexy Stories

                                                    By Various Authors.

      When I started this blog, my intention was to read as many types of books as possible and it seems I may have neglected erotic fiction even though I did read one romantic/erotic book last year. When I came across this, whilst perusing the 100 free best selling books on Amazon, I thought it was a good opportunity to redress the balance. It contains 10 short erotic stories from different erotically named Authors! To be quite honest I don't  know a lot about the world of erotic fiction but I have a nagging suspicious that some of the stories are written by blokes and maybe some are written by the same Author. But what do I know, I'm a bloke and consequently I don't think I am the intended reader of this one.

      I didn't find any of the stories the least bit erotic in nature. As can be expected none of them are a work of literary genius but more importantly all of the stories lacked any exciting or enticing sensual build up. There was something rather cut and pasted about them and every one of them could have been lifted from a seventies porn magazine. Rather than being erotic each story was just one explicit sex scene to another and even though I am a red blooded male, they didn't do anything for me. And I've been married for 10 years!

      I haven't given up on erotic fiction but maybe I will have to chose my next one more carefully. The most erotic thing about this book is the front cover.


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